Sunday, April 29, 2007

School Committes

I think that for all schools, no matter the size, committee conversations are an essential part to school effiency, effectiveness, and improvement. With the right structure, committees can function very well. The problem comes in with the communication after the great committe conversations. There often seems to be a hole in the communication conduit between the committee and the staff. I believe there needs to be a strong conduit from committe to the team, whether grade level or nongrade level team. I would like to establish a consistent use of chart paper at each committee. On this chart paper and throughout the committee conversations, would be placed the key talking points that committee members bring back to their teams. The writing on the chart paper makes the key talking points public and visible and prevents any misinterpretations from happening that may happen from a oral only discussion. The public writing takes the conversation to a new level.


Frank Ehling said...

Mr. Ehling,
I believe you are talking about the art of communications, which is always in need of new techniques. Most adults are visual learners, so it sounds as if you are on the right track. I look forward to reading how it goes.

Mary Lou Capelle said...

Bv has great opportunities share committee converstions. I think public writing can ensure that seamless conduit from team to all members.