Monday, April 30, 2007

Finding the Through-line

When I was studying theatre education at Concordia College I remember a focus we had in directing class. As we studied the script, the text, we concentrated on finding the through-line of the text - the one thing tieing everything together. This through-line would become the central piece to guide the directing of the play.

I cannot help but see the parallels to school. I believe leaders, actually everyone, needs to slow down enough to put the pieces together and discover the through-line in schools. I use the words "slow down enough" very purposefuly. I often find people in schools moving at break neck speeds, both physically and organizationally. However, from my experience finding the through-line takes good thinking, meaningful discussion, and the time to ask the right questions. There should be a through-line in all that we do in a school if we say that we are aligned and working together; the pieces should be connected. Thus the question becomes - what is our through-line?

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